GRE单词故事-讼师:chicanery equivocate ascetic ostentatious

发布日期:2024-09-30 21:12    点击次数:158

GRE单词故事-讼师:chicanery equivocate ascetic ostentatious

John was a successful lawyer who was known for his chicanery in the courtroom, using tricky tactics to win his cases. However, as he continued to win cases by equivocating and misleading the jury, he began feeling guilty about his lack of authenticity. One day, he met a spiritual ascetic who helped him see the emptiness of his ostentatious lifestyle. John realized that he needed to change his ways and pursue a more meaningful existence that placed value on honesty and service to others. Over a period of time, John began to adopt a more ascetic lifestyle, learning to live simply and practicing self-control. He stopped using trickery and chicanery to win his cases, instead choosing to speak the truth and let justice prevail. John’s new way of living not only made him happier and more fulfilled, but it also earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and clients, proving that living an ascetic life isn’t always a sacrifice, but rather a path to a life of genuine fulfillment and happiness.


Chicanery /ʃɪˈkeɪnəri/ - 欺骗,阴谋


同根词/同义词:Fraud, deceit, trickery.

近义词:Deception, dishonesty, lying.

反义词:Honesty, truthfulness, integrity.

Equivocate /ɪˈkwɪvəkeɪt/ - 肮脏其辞,敷衍其词


同根词/同义词: Ambiguity, evasion, prevarication.

近义词:Dodge, hedge, waffle.

反义词:Speak clearly, state loudly and clearly, express straightforwardly.

Ascetic /əˈsetɪk/ - 苦行的,禁欲的


同根词/同义词: Abstemious, self-denying, non-indulgent.

近义词:Austere, disciplined, strict.

反义词:Indulgent, self-gratifying, pleasure-seeking.

Ostentatious /ˌɑːstenˈteɪʃəs/ - 自满的,卖弄的


同根词/同义词: Bragging, grandiose, pretentious.

近义词:Extravagant, flamboyant, showy.

反义词:Modest, humble, unassuming.




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